» B.U. water- organica fcr solution

FCR Integral Development Project (Alliance OrganicaWater-Winsertec)

OrgánicaWater is the world leader in IFAS (Integrated Food activated Sludge Bed) whose system is based on the use of a natural environment (plant roots) and engineering (Biofibre) to provide a habitat for various bacterial cultures fixed film that metabolize pollutants wastewater. With nearly two decades of experience in the design and implementation of fixed Biofilm as an effective and sustainable solution to wastewater treatment, FCR Organica solution represents the best of its kind in CVBS WWTP. This is achieved among other important benefits:

  • Up to 60% reduction in physical space and visual pollution removal of conventional systems.
  • 30% or more reduction in operating costs, driven by lower energy consumption and sludge production
  • Improved biodiversity – Improving the resilience and stability of the loads to the plants.
  • Strategically situating the project anywhere